The Rights of Parents with Intellectual Disabilities

The emotional case of Redmond parents Amy Fabbrini and Eric Ziegler captured the attention of Oregonians across the state who were outraged by the discriminatory treatment that they received. Statutes that govern the legal process for termination of parental rights treat parents with mental health and intellectual disabilities differently from others. We sought to remove that difference and make clear that parents with disabilities are entitled to support and services to assist them in parenting.

SB 1526 will make sure that parents who experience intellectual or developmental disabilities are equal in the eyes of the law. It would prohibit the termination of a person’s parental rights for the sole reason that the person has a disability. 

News Coverage


Report: 9 of the 10 People Who Died in Oregon Jails in 2020 Had a Disability


Oregon's Crisis Care Guidelines Invited Discrimination. We Successfully Fought for Stronger Protections.