Op-ed: New pay equity law a big boost for people with disabilities

By Bob Joondeph

When Gov. Kate Brown signed the Fair Pay for All bill (House Bill 2005) on Thursday, she opened a door to prosperity for more Oregonians, more families and more communities. The new law will set Oregon on the path to fixing a long-standing problem: stubborn gaps in pay between groups of workers. One group that has been on the losing side of this equation is workers with disabilities.

When we hear about unequal pay, we first think about women who continue to earn less than their male counterparts. The data show that women make 80 cents for every dollar a man earns. 

For women of color, the gulf is even wider: African-American women are paid 63 cents and Latinas are paid 54 cents for every dollar a white man earns.

Less familiar are stories about workers with disabilities who are paid less than their colleagues. But they are just as prevalent, and equally damaging.

According to a study by the American Institutes for Research, workers with disabilities who have at least a high school education earn 37 percent less on average than their peers without disabilities. This gap affects not only workers and their families, but also carries a hefty cost for government. According to the study, federal and state governments lose up to $31.5 billion in potential tax revenue as a result.

The Fair Pay for All bill will expand protections to workers with disabilities along with other groups experiencing pay inequity: those distinguished by race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, veteran status, disability or age. The legislation affects benefits as well as pay, and blocks employers from using past salaries to screen job applicants and make salary decisions.

Every worker with a disability will benefit from the new law, and veterans with disabilities are among them. Roughly 20 percent of all veterans have a service-connected disability, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Protection against wage discrimination based upon veteran and disability status is not only fair but also honors the service and sacrifice of our veterans.

This legislation attracted broad-based support in the Legislature. Workers and business leaders came together to recognize that workplace fairness is good for Oregon’s economy.

When workers have more money in their wallets, they have more to spend on purchases that strengthen our local economies.

They also understood that when individuals with disabilities who are ready, willing and able to work are fully integrated into the workforce, our state is more productive.

This legislation helps to dispel common misconceptions about people with disabilities and work, false stereotypes that undermine their independence, diminish their contributions and limit their potential.

It is nothing less than the American dream for everyone to have a fair shot at economic independence.

We celebrate this victory that will touch the lives of many workers in our state, including those with disabilities. It will help historically marginalized groups build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

In doing so, we will create stronger and more prosperous communities for all Oregonians to enjoy for generations to come.


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Op-ed: A victory for the disabled