Lawsuit: Foster Care
Settlement Approved on September 12, 2024
Nearly every child who enters foster care has been exposed to trauma and needs access to mental healthcare. Yet, thousands of children across the state who have endured abuse or neglect must wait months before they receive care.
Getting the right support from the earliest age possible can change a child’s destiny. Meeting children’s healthcare needs will nurture their well-being, help them build healthy bonds with caregivers, and create a strong foundation for living a healthy life.
DHS has failed to create a safe foster care system and provide children the services they need to thrive. This lawsuit seeks to transform this system so that every child the opportunity to reach their potential.
Case Documents
Wyatt B. v. Kotek, No. 6:19-cv-00556-AA
June 14, 2024: Opinion and Order for Selecting Neutral Expert
June 13, 2024: Notice to Class Members (in English; translations available here)
May 24, 2024: Public Settlement Agreement
September 29, 2022: Opinion and Order on Motion to Certify Order
August 17, 2022: Opinion and Order for Class Certification
November 3, 2021: Response to State's Appeal
September 27, 2021: Opinion and Order on Motion to Dismiss
December 9, 2019: Motion for Class Certification
August 8, 2019: Response to the Motion to Dismiss
July 25, 2019: Motion to Dismiss
April 4, 2019: Class Action Complaint
Press Releases
May 24, 2024: Settlement Reached in Oregon Foster Care Class-Action Lawsuit
May 2, 2024: Trial in Oregon Foster Care Class-action Lawsuit begins May 13, 2024 in Eugene
August 17, 2022: Federal Judge Rules for Children, Grants Class Action Status in Foster Care Lawsuit
April 16, 2019: Foster Care Children File Civil Rights Case
Media Coverage
March 24, 2025: Oregon lawmakers consider sending kids in foster care out of state, again. Only this time, with less transparency
January 3, 2025: Kids in Oregon’s foster care system need safe and secure housing, but an effort underway to create more has some advocates worried
December 31, 2024: 10 top Oregon political stories of 2024
December 5, 2024: As Oregon considers rolling back child welfare reforms, advocates cry foul
November 26, 2024: Taxpayer cost for Oregon’s class-action foster suit climbs over $34 million
November, 24, 2024: Editorial: Latest child welfare debacle demands true reform
November 22, 2024: Oregon billed $10.8M in attorney fees to settle foster care class action
November 14, 2024: The final tab to taxpayers to defend Oregon’s troubled child welfare system? Possibly upwards of $30 million
November 14, 2024: Oregon spent $23M on legal fees to defend state foster care system before reaching settlement
September 13, 2024: Former Oregon foster youth share harrowing stories in settlement hearing
September 12, 2024: Next chapter in child welfare civil lawsuit begins; now real work starts to improve children’s lives in Oregon
September 12, 2024: Federal judge approves historic Oregon child welfare settlement after emotional testimony
June 11, 2024: After settlement, Disability Rights Oregon and DHS wait for neutral expert pick
May 24, 2024: Oregon DHS and Disability Rights Oregon settle long-running class-action foster care lawsuit
May 24, 2024: Oregon settles class action lawsuit over foster care failures
May 23, 2024: Oregon settles child-welfare civil lawsuit; expert will be appointed to oversee the troubled system
May 16, 2024: Oregon is close to settling class action lawsuit over foster care failures
May 10, 2024: Oregon spent upwards of $18 million to defend its struggling child welfare system. Now, the trial has been postponed
April 30, 2024: Facing a class-action lawsuit, Oregon DHS subpoenas senator’s emails before she testifies
January 8, 2024: Oregon foster care class action lawsuit moving forward
October 7, 2021: Federal judge keeps alive lawsuit alleging Oregon foster care failures, saying state can’t bat away charges it mistreats children
April 30, 2021: Opinion: Foster care systems fail Oregon's LGBTQ youth
December 18, 2019: Opinion: Children in foster care need quick access to mental healthcare
December 10, 2019: Child advocacy group asks to include all Oregon foster children in class action suit
August 11, 2019: State wants foster care case dismissed, takes fiery rebuke
August 8, 2019: Advocacy groups fire back after Oregon officials move to dismiss federal foster care lawsuit
August 7, 2019: Advocacy group alleges Oregon's foster care system 'revictimizes children'
July 26, 2019: State attorneys seek dismissal of Oregon foster care lawsuit
April 30, 2019: Oregon foster care plagued by staff shortages, caseworkers say
April 21, 2019: Editorial: Child-welfare lawsuit could force the accountability Oregon needs
April 16, 2019: Class-action suit claims Oregon foster care program revictimizes children
April 16, 2019: Oregon foster care system targeted in federal lawsuit
April 16, 2019: Horrific failures of Oregon foster care system called out in new federal lawsuit