Know Your Rights

Below we have links to topic areas. Each has publications and links to other resources.

Resources about public spaces being physically accessible to people with disabilities

Resources about the rights of people under the Americans with Disabilities Act

Resources about tools that help people with disabilities function better in their daily lives

Resources about programs and services for children and youth with disabilities

Resources about the rights to healthcare, education, and housing accomodations during COVID-19

You have the right to justice and to be treated with dignity and respect

Resources to help people with disabilities get a job and stand up for their rights at work

Resources about the rights of Social Security beneficiaries who have a representative payee

Resources about guardianship and other options that are less restrictive than Guardianship

Resources about the rights of people with disabilities where you live

Resources about the rights of people with an intellectual or developmental disability

Resources about rights of people with disabilities who are incarcerated

Resources about the rights of people with mental illness

Resources about the Social Security Administration’s Work Incentives Planning & Assistince (WIPA) program

Resources about rights of people with service animals

Resources about the rights of veterans with disabilities

Resources about the rights of people with disabilities to register to vote and cast a ballot


DRO Publications By Topic